Making the Most Of a Website Builder For Creators

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11 am ET // 17:00 CET
Sept 19, Monday
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Why to watch
Journalist and educator Jeremy Caplan will share a handful of ways journalists, bloggers, and content creators can use a no-code website builder to publish and streamline their online presence.

During the webinar, we'll cover:
  • Creative ways to make web pages for your projects, portfolio, and more;
  • How and when to use your site (to get a job or pitch to a potential client, etc.);
  • Checklist of what to include on the website;
  • Q&A.
Jeremy Caplan
Creator, Wonder Tools newsletter l Director of Teaching and Learning at NewmarkJSchool in New York City. Worked for The Paris Review, Yahoo! Internet Life, Newsweek, and Time Magazine. Personal website.
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September 19, Monday · 11am ET · 17:00 CET
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Creating a No-Code Online Portfolio Website
How To Build No-Code Online Store
How To Improve Your Workflow As a Freelance Web Designer
Past Webinar Recordings
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